We’re thrilled to announce that Perfectly Pitched will be part of the inaugural launch of Kaiser Permanente’s Thriving Leaders Circles, a relationship focused peer support community designed to build resilience for business leaders. As part of cohort 2, we’ll be taking part in this unique 12-week program connecting 10-12 business leaders, to support each other in exploring mental and emotional wellbeing, and tackling tactical business challenges. Thriving Leaders Circles seeks to help leaders grow their network, build their base of support, practice wellbeing techniques to increase resilience, and learn practices to build resilience for your team.
Designed to support leaders of both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations with less than $10M in revenue in any industry, Kaiser Permanente is especially excited to serve BIPOC and gender-diverse leaders who are interested in engaging a peer-support network.
Perfectly Pitched is excited to connect with this new and innovative program and we can’t wait to meet our fellow Thriving Leaders! Our thanks to Kaiser Permanente for making this program possible and we look forward to finding ways to give back to this growing community.